You can also select whether you want to display a single record or list and whether to create or update an entity. 您还可以选择是显示单个记录还是一个列表,以及是否创建或者更改一个实体。
You can use the lvmo command to display pbuf and blocked I/ O statistics and settings for pbuf tunables, regardless of whether the scope of the entity is system-wide or VG-specific. 您可以使用lvmo命令来显示pbuf和阻塞I/O的统计信息和pbuf可调参数的设置,不管该实体的范围是系统范围还是VG特定的。
The sample flow then uses a built-in ComputeNode to display the contents of the retrieved entity ( for sample purposes). 示例流然后使用内置ComputeNode显示所检索的示例的内容(仅用于进行演示)。
Likewise, the diagram does not display changes to the code of the external entity until you rebuild the project for that entity. 同样,直到您为外部实体重新生成项目时,关系图才会显示对外部实体的代码所做的更改。
This collection is returned as an xmlnamednodemap, and you can iterate through the collection with the use of the count property and display entity information. 此集合作为xmlnamednodemap返回,可以使用count属性循环访问此集合并显示实体信息。
The form fields and data display tables are mapped to entity beans or collections of entity beans. 表单域与其数据显示数据库表,这些表被映射到实体bean或者实体bean的集合上。
The paper summarily introduced some kinds of entity display specific property of existing CAD software, presented the entity object pattern of professional CAD software, and analyzed the program realization and operation mode of the pattern. 首先概要地阐述了工程界现有的几种CAD软件的实体表现特性,然后提出了专业CAD软件的实体对象模式,分析了这一模式的程序实现和操作方式。
Have analysed the dynamic course of university's network ideological and political education and display form and special in the course of network ideological and political education of entity of the object separately Click. 分别分析了高校网络思想政治教育的动态过程及客体的主体性在网络思想政治教育过程中的表现形态和特点。
Entity and display ─ Entity elements and space consciousness of Chinese Classical Garden 实体与表现&中国古典园林空间意识与实体要素
The several special display of 3D entity 三维实体的几种特殊显示
In 3D display, this paper discusses the projection display method, analyzes and compares the merits and shortcomings of some display methods, such as projection display, entity display and Virtual-Reality display and so on. 在三维显示中,本文作者研究了投影显示法,并分析比较了投影显示法与实体显示法及虚拟现实显示法的优缺点;
The algorithms and the data structure are employed for reducing the grid information of 3D entity, so as to improve the display velocity of the 3D entity. 这些算法和数据结构都围绕着一个问题,就是如何减少三维实体的点阵信息,以提高三维图形的显示速度。
Finally, taking the pipe entity for example, the intellectual self_adapted display of the specialized entity is realized. 以管道实体为例,实现了专业实体的智能化自适应显示。
But, if the partner chooses improper, not only this kind of superiority display, will cause the virtual enterprise as a result of the control attenuation to be frailer than the entity enterprise. 但是,如果合作伙伴选择不当,这种优势不但发挥不出来,而且会由于控制能力的弱化而使虚拟企业比实体企业更加脆弱。